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To deploy Law Knowledge, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a recommended platform. AWS is a comprehensive and widely adopted cloud platform, offering over 200 fully featured services from data centers globally. It provides a variety of services including computing power, storage options, and networking capabilities, often under a pay-as-you-go pricing model. AWS services are accessible via the AWS Management Console, which is a web-based interface, command-line tools, or through APIs and SDKs. AWS supports a broad set of applications and workloads, providing flexibility and scalability to users, making it a suitable choice for a range of cloud computing needs.

Amazon Web Services

Deployment Guides


We recommend using Ubuntu OS for the deployment. If you are using another OS, please make sure that you have installed the following tools:

  • Pulumi: Infrastructure as Code tool
  • Docker: Containerization tool
  • Kubernetes: Container orchestration tool
  • Helm: Package manager for Kubernetes